
Vendredi 10 juillet 2020 à 9h30 - Salle IBVM - INRA Bordeaux - Soutenance de Thèse de Théo POUCET

"Le coût énergétique du métabolisme primaire et de l'expansion vacuolaire: des acteurs centraux pour le développement des feuilles de tomates en nutrition ammoniacale" - "The energy cost of primary metabolism and vacuole expansion: Central to shape tomato leaf development under ammonium nutrition"


Doctorant Equipe Métabolisme

Abstract :

Plants need nitrogen compounds for their growth. However, conventional fertilization based on nitrate, is the source of major environmental problems, such as water contamination or the emission of greenhouse gases. In order to reduce these problems, the use of ammonium with nitrification inhibitors helps to avoid such nitrogen losses.
Nevertheless, a high concentration of ammonium in the soil can generate stress in plants, which is mainly manifested by inhibition of growth.

In my thesis, I study the causes of this stress. I use tomato as a model to understand how developing leaves, subjected to ammonia stress, adapt their metabolisms. To do so, I combine different approaches such as plant physiology, metabolic analysis, microscopic studies and mathematical modeling. This highlighted that cell expansion and the restructuration of the plant biomass had a higher energy cost under ammonium nutrition compared with nitrate-fed plants. Our integrated approach place these energy trade-offs in the center of tomato leaf adaptation to ammonium stress and pave the way for future studies in the field of ammonium nutrition


Dr. Nadine PARIS - Rapporteur
Dr. Céline MASCLAUX-DAUBRESSE – Rapporteur
Pr. Usue PEREZ– Examinateur
Pr. Dominique ROLIN – Examinateur
Pr. Cesar ARRESE-IGOR – Examinateur
Dr. Martine DEUAIDE-NOUBHANI – INRAE BFP - Directrice de Thèse – Membre invitée
Dr. Daniel MARINO – Co-Directeur de Thèse – Membre invité.

A thesis submitted to the doctoral school of Agrobiología Ambiental from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the doctoral school of Science de la Vie et de la Santé (speciality: Plant biology) from the University of Bordeaux

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Date de modification : 14 août 2023 | Date de création : 07 juillet 2020 | Rédaction : M. Gauthier