

Actualités de l'UMR

Dans cette rubrique

"Lipid trafficking in response to phosphate starvation in Arabidopsis thaliana"
"Regulation and consequences of gene expression variability between plants for nitrate nutrition in Arabidopsis thaliana"
"New Biotechnological Tools for the genetic improvement of fruit tree species"
"Impact of structural and epigenetic variation on quantitative traits during tomato improvement"
"Scanning du virome de Prunus : identification et caractérisation de nouveaux luteovirus et de nouveaux membres des secoviridae"
"Building a digital twin of the apple production and supply chain ecosystem"
"Role of BRC1 genes in the control of axillary meristem dormancy in potato"
"How can we take advantage of public omics data to study grapevine processes using systems biology?"
  • 3 (current)

Date de modification : 23 octobre 2023 | Date de création : 07 août 2023 | Rédaction : M. Gauthier